The womb serves as a vessel for our ancestral lineage. For nine months, as babies, we reside in our mothers' womb. Our mothers and grandmothers have sat inside their mother’s womb for nine months, creating a physical line of transmission along the maternal line. In the womb, we are exposed to the emotional states of our mothers, their nervous systems, and the trauma imprints held in their connective tissues Both the pain of trauma and the profound love, power, and gifts of our ancestors can be passed from one generation of women to the next. Ancestral trauma may include experiences such as sexual abuse, loss of babies and children, childbirth trauma, economic or political instability, and poverty which can affect our sense of safety and create recurring patterns that keep repeating until we can bring healing into them.
My Approach:
Ancestral womb healing draws on sacred womb awakening practices and includes working with your feminine ancestors to heal the line of womb transmission and clear intergenerational traumas and wounds. We are given the opportunity that our ancestors did not have: to consciously bring healing into our wombs so that we can release anything from our ancestors which was unprocessed and no longer serving anyone do we can bring healing for our ovaries and eggs to transmit healing to our children and our creations.