Womb trauma includes any type of trauma involving the womb that results in the loss of life force energy such as:

Infertility trauma (the stress of trying to conceive, medical procedures involving fertility)

Pregnancy loss trauma (miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion)

Birth trauma: any kind of physical or emotional trauma accompanying the experience of giving birth

Health trauma (operations, procedures for womb disorders and diseases)

Ancestral trauma (passed down through the motherline)

Sexual trauma (childhood or adulthood)

Signs of Womb Trauma:

  • an inability to connect with the womb

  • a sense of emptiness in the womb

  • difficult periods or reproductive conditions

  • disconnection from sexual pleasure

  • feeling ungrounded or unable to connect to a sense of belonging in the body


My Approach:

My approach for womb energy healing draws on Sacred Womb Awakening practices which are based on shamanic medicine. From the perspective of shamanic medicine, our energetic body is a vessel of light and traumatic experiences can result in a shattering of our energy body and a loss of our vital life force or soul energy. When this happens the vital force of the soul is not connected to the physical reality of life which can have a major impact on the quality of our existence. We may try to fill that space in some way through the sexual energy of a partner, addiction to substance, food, shopping etc. However the only thing that can fill this space is our own energy. Sacred womb awakening practices help you to call back life force energy into the womb to rebuild your womb and body’s life force energy and come back to a state of fullness of being.