Women have the cycles of nature embedded in their bodies. Our menstrual cycle goes through four distinct phases which reflect the four seasons in the cycles of nature, the womb follows the same rhythm of going through the same cycles every month just like the moon, and we go through physiological shifts in our bodies that include cycles of births, deaths, and rebirths (just like the cycles of nature) including menarche, pregnancy, pregnancy loss, postpartum, peri menopause, and menopause. Yet our larger culture does not recognize or honour these cycles and many of us are unaware or unable to connect with the cycles of nature that are embedded in our body. Many of us feel deeply disconnected from our wombs until we are trying to conceive, are pregnant, or are experiencing difficult or painful periods or reproductive conditions or diseases. Through these experiences we begin to listen to the messages from our wombs, which are often indicators about what is happening overall in our bodies and selves. Through menstrual cycle healing, we can begin to learn and honour the messages from our wombs and start to live in tune with our menstrual cycles.
My Approach:
Through menstrual cycle healing, we work together to:
Track your cycle (become aware of the cycle of life and death through your menstrual cycle)
Become more in touch with your womb and feminine energy
Become aware of the states of your nervous system and how your stress levels may be impacting your hormones
Draw on sacred womb healing practices to bring healing to past womb traumas it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.